Investidores de Venture Capital sāo de Marte e Greentech de Vênus

Investidores de Venture Capital sāo de Marte e Greentech de Vênus (1)

Tiago Brasil Rocha
Fundador do GreenTech América LatinaGreenTech Business

Nāo é novo, todos nós sabemos através de relatórios da NASA, IPCC, Nações Unidas, COP, Banco Mundial, TCFD, G7, G 20, Blackrock, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Google, etc artigos, publicações mostram que a mudança de clima é uma ameaça.

Todos nós sabemos os avisos e as marcas que estamos alcançando de número de emissões pela ciência, 350 partes por milhāo 2008, 471 partes por milhāo em 2021, 1.000 partes por milhāo 2021 – independent audit. O caminho para 1.5 graus nāo é mais atingível.

Alguns anos atrás eu decidi mudar o meu caminho pessoal e lutar para mudar essa situaçāo na América Latina. Nós fizemos o evento Greentech América Latina, o evento cresceu e nós começamos a perceber que apesar das dificuldades, muitas pessoas acreditam e vêem a possibilidade de mudança.

Alguns dos grandes fundos de investimento dirigiram esforços para investir em tecnologias sustentáveis, outro nomes estāo investindo em serem capazes de ter vida em Marte. Em um primeiro momento pensamos que isso seria boa idéia, e depois percebemos que isso nāo é um plano B para a nossa sociedade, e nem ajuda a solucionar os problemas que temos hoje.

Vamos enviar 1.000 pessoas para Marte para salvar a espécie humana?

Bom nós acreditamos que existe a chance de fazer melhor aqui no nosso planeta A – Terra.

Como o ecosistema Greentech América Latina cresceu, nós começamos a ver diversas pequenas e médias empresas com tecnologias sustentáveis na regiāo, que sāo capazes de resolver grandes problemas que temos, mas nāo sāo muito sexy’s no atual pensamento dos investidores. “Antigos dinossauros das fintechs …”

Um amigo comentou – “para que existe a possibilidade de fazer algo melhor para o ecosistema”, e nós resolvemos pegar esse caminho.

Nós descobrimos ao falar com os donos das tecnologias – os chamados start ups ou scale ups, que usualmente eles nāo estāo bem preparados para falar sobre o impacto as tecnologias deles.

Além disso nós descobrimos que quase todas as grandes plataformas de investimento em venture capital, (globalmente), nāo perguntam as scale ups perguntas sobre impacto. E mais que isso, que os investidores na indústria usualmente nāo sāo bem treinados para falar essa língua, e nāo tem o incentivo correto para isso.

Investidores de Venture Capital e a maioria dos Private Equities tem um incentive. Eles precisam fazer bons negócios, e entregar altos múltiplos de saída e claro altas taxas de retorno – IRR – metrica de retorno. Unicórnios podem ser um bom caminho para isso, entāo o que ouvimos é: rápido, digital and escalável é bom.

Parece que é melhor ir para Marte…alguns dos Unicornios podem ir.

Bem nós ainda acreditamos que temos a chance de fazer melhor aqui no nosso paciente planeta A – Terra.

Com isso em mente estamos lançando a primeira plataforma digital aberta desenhada para fazer mais fácil a conexāo de tecnologias sustentáveis com companhias, indivíduos, ou Governos que precisam implementar soluções que resolvem problemas de sustentabilidade que afetam 7.8 bilhões de pessoas.

Nosso primeiro questionário para provedores de soluções tecnológicas é: Qual o título curto da sua soluçāo ? Qual o impacto da sua tecnologia ? Qual o percentual de ganho para o planeta A? Qual ODS melhor descreve a sua idéia? Por favor descreva o seu impacto?

É difīcil ser preciso. As vezes eles nāo conseguem responder,mas nós estamos discutindo, inserindo os números e nós queremos avançar mais e ser fortes nisso.

Nós vamos fazer o acesso e busca para implementaçāo de tecnologias sustentáveis fácil. Nós queremos ser um recurso válido para ajudar a mudar a dinâmica e inserir a língua de impacto nos dois lados das decisões de investimento. Nòs queremos ajudar a aumentar as conexões, usá-las e mobilizar investimentos em tecnologias sustentáveis.

Nós queremos fazer simples para investidores e empreendedores decider por impacto antes. Investidores de Venture Capital e Greentechs tem que jogar juntos pela Terra.

1) Adaptado do original – “Men are from Mars Women from Venus” – John Gray
3) Entrevistas com fundadores

VC Investors are from Mars and Greentech is from Venus

VC Investors are from Mars and Greentech is from Venus (1)

Tiago Brasil Rocha
Founder of GreenTech América Latina and GreenTech Business

It is not new, we all know from NASA reports, IPCC reports, United Nations reports, COP reports, World Bank reports, TCFD, G7, G20, Blackrock, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Google, etc articles and statements show that Climate Change is a threat.

We all know the warnings and marks we are getting, emissions numbers from science reached, 350 parts per million 2008, 417 parts per million 2021, 1.000 parts per million 2021 – independent audit. The 1.5 degree path is not on track anymore. (2)

A couple of years ago I’ve decided to change my personal path and fight for changing this situation in Latin America. We did a Greentech America Latina event, the event grew and we’ve started to perceive that despite the difficulties, a lot of people believe and see it is possible to change.

Some large investment funds directed efforts to invest in Green technologies, some other names are investing to be able to have life in Mars. At first we thought it was a good idea, and them we’ve realized that it is not a plan B for our current society, and not even help to address the problems we have today.

Are we going to send 1.000 people to Mars and save human life?

Well we still believe we have a chance to do better here in our planet A – Earth.

As the Greentech America Latina ecosystem grew, we’ve started to see a lot of the small and medium companies with sustainable technology in the region, that are able to tackle big problems we face, but they are not very sexy for the current standard mindset of investors. Old fintech dinossaurs…

A friend of us mentioned – “looks like there is a possibility of doing something better for the ecosystem”, and we’ve decided to take this path.

We’ve discovered speaking with each technology owners – the so called, startups or scale ups, that usually they are not well equipped to talk about the impact of their technology. (3)

Besides this we’ve discovered that almost all big platforms of investment in venture capital, (globally), do not ask scale ups questions about impact. And more than this, the investors in the industry are usually not well trained to speak this language, and do not have right incentive for this.

VC investors and most PE investors have one incentive. They need to do successful deals, and deliver high multiple exit and off course high IRR – return metric. Unicorns may be the path to that, so what we hear is that: fast, digital and scalable is good.

It looks like it is better go to Mars…some of the Unicorns may go.

Well we still believe we have a chance to do better here in our patient planet A – Earth.

With this in mind we are launching the first digital open platform designed to make easier the connection of sustainable technologies and companies, individuals, or Governments that need to implement solutions to solve sustainability issues that affect 7.8 billion people.

Our first set of questions to technology solutions providers is. What is the short title of your technology? What is the impact of your technology? What is the percentage of gain for the planet A? What ODS better describe your idea? Please describe your impact ?

It is hard to be precise. They sometimes can’t answer, but we are discussing, inserting the numbers and we want to advance further and master on that.

We are going to make easier to access, find and implement sustainable technologies. We want to be a valid resource to help change the dynamics and insert the language of impact in both ends of investment decision. We want to help improve the connections, use, and mobilize investment in sustainable technologies.

We want to make simple to investors and entrepreneurs decide for Impact first. VC Investors and Greentechs need to play for Earth.

1) Adapted from the original – “Men are from Mars Women from Venus” – John Gray
2) NASA and IPCC
3) Interviews with founders

GreenTech News – March 2022

GreenTech News

March 2022

Receive news about projects and insights from GreenTech América Latina and partners.

The fourth edition of GreenTech América Latina is coming!

The next edition of the event that inserts innovative start-ups in the area of sustainable technologies in an ecosystem of connection with decision-makers who seek to advance towards decarbonization and sustainable impact will take place in November 2022.

The new process takes place through GreenTech Business by Build From Scratch .

By registering your solution on the platform, in addition to gaining global reach and visibility, you will automatically be participating in the selection process to present your company at GreenTech América Latina 2022.

AGE Program – Adaptation, Management and Evolution

The third edition of our partner’s AGE Program, Amani Institute Brasil , is exclusively for women in leadership positions, whether entrepreneurial or in management positions.

Held internationally since 2017, more than 50 companies have already demonstrated several positive impacts on their businesses, including revenue growth.

AGE integrates practices in social innovation to make your business an important part of the future we build today.

Climate leadership for the 21st century

Youth Climate Leaders (YCL) believes that, in times of crisis like the one we are experiencing, we have to accelerate solutions to address the climate crisis and youth unemployment, supporting the development of a fair, prosperous, sustainable and carbon economy. neutral.

The new edition of the YCL Course will train a new generation of leaders to work on this climate transition! Do you want to be one of them or know someone/an organization that would?

Increase your network of contacts in the area, have access to exclusive content and benefits, events and much more!

GreenTech Radar

News and articles about technologies and solutions presented in the GreenTech América Latina programs

The clean beauty market is growing day by day

Brazilian Bioart, a clean beauty brand of natural, vegan and sustainable biodermocosmetics, and Weleda, a century-old Swiss brand that produces anthroposophic medicines and organic cosmetics have signed a partnership that promotes the collaborative economy.

GreenPlat and Green Mining Selected for WEF's The Circulars Accelerator

"The Circulars Accelerator", promoted by the World Economic Forum, is the world's largest accelerator program for companies developing disruptive innovations aimed at a more circular economy. GreenPlat and Green Mining participated in the first edition of GreenTech Latin America.

Article: "Organic packaging: no time to waste!"

The article published on the PolyNatural blog addresses the importance of sustainable packaging for food, the types currently used and their respective impacts and market trends.

Article: "Can we trust the decisions made by artificial intelligence?"

In this article published on the Research in Estonia portal, Dr Juri Belikov from R8 Tech discusses the implications of AI and Machine Learning and the benefits of a new method: XAI - Explanable Artificial Intelligence.

GreenTech News – January 2022

GreenTech News

January 2022

Subscribe to receive news about our projects and insights from GreenTech América Latina and partners.

Interview – Anna Luisa Beserra, Founder and CEO of SDW

In the first episode of 2022 of the GreenTech Latin America interview series, Tiago Brasil Rocha talks with Anna Luisa Beserra, Founder and CEO of SDW – Sustainable Development & Water For All.

SDW is a socio-environmental startup whose mission is to develop water technologies that change lives and was the best evaluated solution in the 2021 edition of GreenTech Latin America.

Learn more about SDW at:

Solutions enrolled in GreenTech Business will participate in the selection process for GreenTech Latin America 2022

Solutions that register on the GreenTech Business platform will automatically enter the selection process for the 2022 edition of GreenTech Latin America, which will take place between November 28 and 30.

Held annually since 2019, the three editions of GreenTech Latin America have already revealed 51 technological innovations of sustainable impact, collaborating in their development and growth by making connections with corporations, investors and governments.

GreenTech Radar

News and articles on technologies and solutions presented in GreenTech Latin America programs

Botanical Solutions raises $6.1 million in its first Series A round

This round will enhance the Chilean Botanical Solution's value proposition, facilitating the geographic expansion of its current products and the development of a new pipeline of products derived from its proprietary biotechnology platform.

ClimateTrade closes €7m Pre-Series A round

Spanish greentech is aiming for another 13 million euros to expand the world's first climate market into new markets. In total, Climate Trade is raising €20 million to open four new offices in Europe, the US and Asia.

GreenPlat is a reference in an article published in Fast Company

The article "Circular Economy – has your company entered the circle?" brings the example of the Reverse Logistics and Circular Economy Project “Já Fui Bag”, a partnership between GreenPlat and iFood

Article: "Foodtech Trends: The Opportunities Behind Reducing Food Waste"

The article on the PolyNatural blog and discusses the main macro trends in the food technology sector for 2022.

Article: "How to achieve ESG goals without additional investment?"

The article published by R8 Tech focuses on 2 ESG aspects related to commercial buildings – energy efficiency (environmental) and health and safety (social) carbon emissions.

Article: "What are [Climate] NFTs?

This article published on the ePioneers blog presents objectively what NFTs are, their types and applications.

GreenTech News – December 2021

GreenTech News

December 2021

GreenTech Business – We are live 24×7

Discover the platform that connects creators of sustainable technology solutions with solution seekers, launched during GreenTech América Latina 2021:

Retrospective 2021

Review below the events with the participation of GreenTech América Latina throughout the year:

GreenTech América Latina at COP 26

Review the panel mediated by the founder of GreenTech América Latina during COP 26, presenting solutions and the strength of the region for the development of sustainable technologies.

Playlist - IFPR Renewable Energy Workshop

Watch the 5 rounds of the 1st Renewable Energy Workshop held in partnership between the Federal Institute of Paraná and GreenTech América Latina.

GreenTech Radar

News and articles on technologies and solutions presented in GreenTech América Latina programs

ePioneers releases roadmap for 2022

Discover the growth positioning of ePioneers, of Colombian origin, which is expanding its operations to Brazil in 2022 with its portfolio of NFTs reverted to positive climate impact.

Eco Panplas receives the Ilmpact 2021 Seal

Eco Panplas was qualified with the Ilmpact Seal 2021 from Innovation Latam and Fundação Dom Cabral, for generating #ESG impacts that are very relevant to Latin America, and was also in the TOP 3 ODS 6 water.

Article: How can building operators communicate with artificial intelligence?

R8 Tech's Across Magazine article explores how the revolutionary growth in computing power and computer science over the past few decades has given rise to solutions based on artificial intelligence.